Can Parrots Eat Kiwi Skin? What You Should Know!

Yes, parrots can eat kiwi skin. When it comes to parrot nutrition, almost all fruits are safe for them, you only need to be mindful of which parts of these fruits and how much you give to them. 

So, what about Kiwi skin? Is it safe for parrots? Absolutely, kiwi skin poses no harm to parrots. In fact, many parrots enjoy the sweet and juicy flavor of kiwi, skin and all. The whole kiwi fruit is safe for parrots so you don’t need to bother with removing the skin before offering their bird this fruit. 

However, there’s a practical consideration. While kiwi skin is safe, your parrot might find it challenging to manage a whole fruit. To make it easier for your feathered companion to enjoy this delightful treat, it’s a good idea to cut the kiwi into manageable, bite-sized pieces.

This not only ensures that your parrot can savor the kiwi’s juicy goodness but also minimizes any potential mess in their enclosure.

The Kiwi fruit is a tiny, sour fruit with vibrant green flesh and fuzzy brown skin. Although the skin can be eaten, many people choose to peel it off first but you might want to reconsider if you are feeding your parrot this fruit.

The skin of kiwi contains vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin K. It is also a great source of dietary fiber, potassium, and magnesium.

Is Kiwi Skin Safe For Parrots?

Yes, kiwi skin is safe for parrot consumption. While the skin of a kiwi is technically edible, its fuzzy texture can be off-putting to most people. However, don’t dismiss kiwi skin when considering your parrot’s nutrition. It’s entirely safe for them to eat and comes with several health benefits.

Kiwi skin is safe to eat and is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are beneficial to your bird’s health. Kiwi skin does not contain any harmful substances, it instead serves as a great source of flavonoids, insoluble fibers, antioxidants, and compounds known for their anti-inflammatory and antiallergenic properties.

Surprisingly, the skin of a kiwi boasts three times the antioxidant content compared to the flesh, making it a valuable addition to your parrot’s diet. This antioxidant boost can play a role in preventing certain illnesses, contributing to your bird’s overall well-being.

It is worth noting that the nutritional value of the kiwi fruit increases significantly, by as much as 30 to 50% when you include the peel. If your parrot is a little picky and doesn’t like the flavor or texture of kiwi skin, you could think of creative ways to include it in their meals. 

You can finely chop or blend it and mix it with their favorite fruits or pellets, ensuring they receive the maximum benefits from this nutritious component of the fruit. Your parrot’s health and vitality will surely thank you for it.

Can Parrots Eat Kiwi? 

Yes, parrots can eat kiwi. Many parrots like this nutritious fuzzy fruit and for good reason too. Kiwi is a great source of vitamins and minerals that are important for the health and well-being of parrots. Kiwi contains vitamin C, which boosts the immune system, and calcium, which prevents hypocalcemia and promotes the growth of healthy and strong bones. 

Kiwis contain antioxidants as well. These antioxidants protect parrots from major ailments ensuring they remain healthy and active. The fiber in the kiwi supports an active and healthy digestive system. 

Additionally, the whole kiwi fruit is safe for parrots, this includes the skin and seeds. Some parrots enjoy piercing the fuzzy skin that protects kiwi to get to the sweet and juicy fruit. 

However, as with most foods, you should only feed your parrot in small amounts occasionally. No parrot should consume more than one kiwi each week to avoid health issues.

Can Parrots Eat Kiwi Seeds? 

Yes, parrots can eat kiwi seeds. But if you should feed them kiwi seeds is ultimately up to you. Kiwi seeds are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are crucial for the well-being of your parrot’s skin and feathers.

Kiwi seeds also include vitamins A and E, both of which are crucial for maintaining a parrot’s eye health. Kiwi seeds are a terrific way to supplement the parrots’ usual diet of seeds, fruits, and veggies with some extra nourishment.

However, several parrot owners advise against feeding your parrot kiwi seeds because they could be a choking hazard. 

What Parts Of The Kiwi Can A Parrot Eat? 

All parts of the kiwi fruit are safe for a parrot. Part of the perks of feeding your parrot kiwi is that parrots can consume the entire fruit, including the peel and seeds. Kiwi is a nutritious fruit that provides parrots with essential vitamins, dietary fiber, and minerals they need for a balanced diet.

The parts of the kiwi that may cause concern are the seed and the skin. Some people have doubts about feeding parrots kiwi seeds because consumption of a large amount of this seed could be harmful to parrots. 

Kiwi is technically a berry and it is known that the seeds of some fruits, especially berries can be toxic to your bird but kiwi seeds are generally safe. Unlike apple seeds that contain cyanide, kiwi seeds do not contain any toxic component. 

However, it is important to know that kiwi seeds are only safe for your parrot if fed in small quantities, offering excessive amounts is not recommended. It could cause digestive issues that could lead to other health concerns. 

Another part of the kiwi that might be a cause of concern is the skin. As you already know, pesticides are very harmful to parrots as they can cause chemical poisoning. Most farmers apply pesticides to protect fruits and vegetables against bugs and diseases. 

The skin of fruits bought in supermarkets will most likely have pesticides on it, then there is dirt and insects that could also be present. This is not much of an issue with most fruits, you can simply wash it properly and that gets rid of the pesticides and dirt but the fuzzy nature of kiwi skin only makes it harder to wash.

Are There Any Nutritional Benefits Of Kiwi Skin To Parrots? 

Yes, the skin of a kiwi has several nutritional benefits for both you and your parrot. The skin of the kiwi fruit only enhances the variety of health benefits that the fruit itself already offers.

Some of these nutritional benefits include:

1. Great Source Of Fiber

Kiwi skin is a great source of fiber, which is known to aid digestion. Fiber, the indigestible component of plant foods, aids in maintaining a healthy digestive tract. Fiber reduces bloating and aids with bowel movement. 

The Kiwi fruit is a wonderful source of fiber already, but eating them with the skin on increases the fiber intake.

The amount of fiber in a full kiwi with the skin on is significantly more than if you eat it without the peel by approximately 50%. A green kiwi with the skin on contains 3.5 grams of fiber, whereas a gold kiwi with the skin on has roughly 3 grams. 

2. Rich In Antioxidants

Kiwi skin is loaded with antioxidants. The antioxidants in it are three times more than in the fruit itself! The antioxidants help to neutralize free radicals in the body and maintain your parrot’s overall well-being.

Free radicals are unstable chemicals in the body that, if left unchecked, can wreak havoc by causing cellular damage, hastening age-related changes, and even contributing to the development of various diseases. Antioxidants aid in the body’s battle against these molecules.

Some of the antioxidants in kiwi skin include:

  • Vitamin E: 

Consuming a gold kiwi fruit along with its skin provides a notable boost, increasing the vitamin E concentration by an impressive 32%. This essential nutrient, vitamin E, plays a crucial role in boosting the immune system and defending the body against infections. 

Moreover, vitamin E acts as a potent antioxidant, effectively combatting oxidative stress and ensuring that immune cells can function optimally to safeguard your bird’s overall health.

  • Vitamin C:

Another immune stimulant contained in kiwi is vitamin C. The quantity of this antioxidant you will get from eating kiwi skin depends on the variety of kiwi you choose. 

According to one study, the amount of vitamin C in green kiwis varies from 85 to 150 mg, whereas the amount in gold kiwis is 161 mg. In either case, eating kiwi skin doubles the intake of vitamin C, reinforcing its role as a natural immunity booster.

Vitamin C is well known for its capacity to fortify the immune system. It serves as an antioxidant, assisting in the prevention of immune cells being harmed and promoting the growth of white blood cells, which are crucial for fighting infections.

  • Polyphenols:

Your parrot can benefit from the strong anti-inflammatory effects of these polyphenols. In general, kiwis are a good source of polyphenols, however, 30% are found in the skin.

3. Great Source Of Folate

Kiwi is a good source of folate. The intake of folate is increased by 34% when the skin is consumed along with the fruit. Folate, also referred to as vitamin B9, helps the body turn carbs into glucose, which is used as a source of energy.

Folate is essential for the functioning of the liver, skin, hair, and eyes, and it helps maintain the health of your nervous system.

How To Feed Kiwi Skin To Parrot? 

When feeding your parrot kiwi skin you need to make sure you wash it properly to get rid of any pesticide or dirt. You can simply leave the skin on when you feed your bird kiwi fruit. Or cut the peels into small pieces and add them to your parrot’s chop.

Although kiwi skin is rich in minerals, some people find it unpleasant to consume and the same goes for our fids. Because of its fuzzy texture and odd mouthfeel, some parrots might not like to eat kiwi skin. 

However, you can partially remove some of the fuzz from the skin by lightly scraping it with a spoon, rubbing it with a clean towel, or with a vegetable brush.

If you’d prefer to get rid of the skin, you can just slice it off with a knife or cut the kiwi in half and scoop out the flesh with a spoon.

Are There Any Risks Of Feeding Your Parrot Kiwi Skin?

Although kiwi skin is safe for parrots there are still some risks that should be considered when feeding kiwi skin to your parrot.

The fuzzy skin of the kiwi can be difficult for parrots to digest, even though the flesh is typically healthy and nutritious for them. Pesticides or other chemical residues on the skin could also be dangerous for your bird.

It is advisable to peel the kiwi before giving it to your parrot to reduce dangers. This way you don’t have to worry about any potentially harmful substances that could cause digestive issues or exposure to dangerous toxins that the kiwi skin might contain. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Can Parrots Drink Kiwi Juice? 

Yes, parrots can drink kiwi juice, it is just as safe for them as the fruit. Kiwi juice is a great way to provide the nutrients like vitamin C in kiwi fruit to your parrot.

All fruit juices are a wonderful source of nutrients for parrots, but kiwi juice is particularly advantageous because of its high Vitamin C content. This nutrient can be crucial in maintaining your parrot’s overall health.

2. Can African Grey Parrots Eat Kiwi Skin?

Yes, African greys can eat kiwi skin in small amounts. It offers nutritional fiber and vital vitamins, including vitamin C. However, certain precautions should be taken to ensure that it is free from pesticides and chemicals that could be harmful to your bird. 


In conclusion, Kiwi skin offers several health benefits that can contribute to a balanced diet for your bird. Now that you know how beneficial kiwi skin can be to your parrot you might want to consider not peeling it off when you feed your parrot kiwis. 

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