Can Parrots Eat Kiwi? Explained!

Yes, parrots can eat kiwi, it is a healthy and safe snack you can easily include in your bird’s diet. Parrots can eat just about any fruit, you just have to be mindful of how much you give them as anything has the potential to be harmful to your parrot if consumed in excessive amounts. 

Many parrots like this nutritious fuzzy fruit and for good reason too. Kiwi is a great source of vitamins and minerals that are important for the health and well-being of parrots. Kiwi contains vitamin C, which boosts the immune system, and calcium, which prevents hypocalcemia and promotes the growth of healthy and strong bones. 

Kiwis contain antioxidants as well. These antioxidants protect parrots from major ailments ensuring they remain healthy and active. The fiber in the kiwi supports an active and healthy digestive system. 

Additionally, the whole kiwi fruit is safe for parrots, this includes the skin and seeds. Some parrots enjoy piercing the fuzzy skin that protects kiwi to get to the sweet and juicy fruit. 

However, as with most foods, you should only feed your parrot in small amounts occasionally. No parrot should consume more than one kiwi each week to avoid health issues. Smaller parrot species (such as budgies, cockatiels, and lovebirds) should only consume half as much of this fruit.

What Parts Of Kiwi Can Parrots Eat?

The short answer is that parrots can eat the entire kiwi fruit,  from its vibrant green flesh to its tiny black seeds and even the skin. It can be quite tedious to remove the tiny seeds of kiwi so it’s good that they are safe for parrots. 

The more complicated response is that it’s not always a good idea to feed your parrot the entire fruit. The flesh of the fruit is completely safe and can be added to the variety of parrot-safe foods to ensure your parrot gets a balanced diet. 

The seeds and skin on the other hand might be a cause for concern. Some people have doubts about feeding parrots kiwi seeds because consumption of a large amount of this seed could be harmful to parrots. 

Kiwi is technically a berry and it is known that the seeds of some fruits, especially berries can be toxic to your bird but kiwi seeds are generally safe. Unlike apple seeds that contain cyanide, kiwi seeds do not contain any toxic component. 

However, it is important to know that kiwi seeds are only safe for your parrot if fed in small quantities, offering excessive amounts is not recommended. It could cause digestive issues that could lead to other health concerns. 

Another part of the kiwi that might be a cause of concern is the skin. Because pesticides are frequently used to grow fruits and can be highly harmful to parrots, it is important to ensure the kiwi is washed thoroughly to get rid of any pesticides. Most farmers apply pesticides to protect fruits and vegetables against bugs and diseases. 

The skin of fruits bought in supermarkets will most likely have pesticides on it, then there is dirt and insects that could also be present. This is not much of an issue with most fruits, you can simply wash it properly and that gets rid of the pesticides and dirt but the fuzzy nature of kiwi skin only makes it harder to wash.

Can Parrots Eat The Skin Of Kiwi? 

Yes, parrots can eat the skin of kiwi, it does not contain any component that could be toxic to parrots. In fact, kiwi skin contains nutrients that are highly beneficial to your bird. It contains vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin K. It is also a great source of dietary fiber, potassium, and magnesium.

Kiwi skin is a fantastic source of flavonoids, insoluble fibers, antioxidants, and chemicals with anti-inflammatory and antiallergenic effects. Kiwi skin does not contain any hazardous elements.

Unexpectedly, kiwi peel has three times as many antioxidants as the fruit’s flesh, making it an important part of your parrot’s diet. This increase in antioxidants can help keep your bird healthy overall by helping to prevent some ailments.

It is important to remember that adding the peel considerably boosts the kiwi fruit’s nutritional value, up to 30 to 50%. You may come up with inventive ways to incorporate kiwi skin into your parrot’s diet if it’s a little picky about the taste or texture.

Although kiwi skin is harmless, it could be difficult for your parrot to handle the full fruit. It’s a good idea to cut the kiwi into manageable, bite-sized pieces to make it simpler for your feathered friend to enjoy this nutritious treat.

This reduces the possibility of a mess in your parrot’s habitat while also ensuring that your parrot can enjoy the juicy sweetness of the kiwi.

Can Parrots Eat Kiwi Seeds? 

Yes, parrots can eat kiwi seeds. But if you should feed them kiwi seeds is ultimately up to you. Kiwi seeds are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are crucial for the well-being of your parrot’s skin and feathers.

Kiwi seeds also include vitamins A and E, both of which are crucial for maintaining a parrot’s eye health. Kiwi seeds are a terrific way to supplement the parrots’ usual diet of seeds, fruits, and veggies with some extra nourishment.

However, several parrot owners advise against feeding your parrot kiwi seeds because they could be a choking hazard. 

Can Parrots Drink Kiwi Juice? 

Yes, parrots can drink kiwi juice, it is just as safe for them as the fruit. Kiwi juice is a great way to provide the nutrients like vitamin C in kiwi fruit to your parrot.

All fruit juices are a wonderful source of nutrients for parrots, but kiwi juice is particularly advantageous because of its high Vitamin C content. This nutrient can be crucial in maintaining your parrot’s overall health.

However, it’s crucial to ensure that the kiwi juice you provide to your parrot is both unsweetened and appropriately diluted. This precaution allows you to get all the nutrients and advantages of the juice while avoiding the introduction of unnecessary sugars or additives.

So, there is no reason why your parrot shouldn’t enjoy a sip or two of kiwi juice. Just be careful to give it in moderation, giving parrots too much fruit juice may result in intestinal issues.

Nutritional Benefits Of Kiwi 

Kiwi is a highly nutritious fruit with several benefits for you and your parrot. Kiwis contain vitamins  A and C as well as dietary fiber. It also contains minerals including zinc, magnesium, and potassium. Typically, parrots prefer eating kiwi chunks or slices, you can add it to their diet in moderation.

Some of the nutritional benefits of kiwi include:

1. Digestive Health

It is important to remember that kiwis contain both soluble and insoluble fiber and that each kind has a specific role to play in maintaining a healthy digestive tract. Insoluble fiber increases the volume of a parrot’s stool, making the process of getting rid of waste easier.


Soluble fiber, on the other hand, has a special function since it helps parrots digest solid food and improves their absorption of vital vitamins. These two types of fiber complement one another and protect the digestive system of your feathered friend.

2. Calcium

Kiwi’s high calcium content makes it an excellent dietary choice for parrots. Parrots are particularly susceptible to hypocalcemia, a condition characterized by a calcium deficiency, which is a common issue, especially among pet birds.

Inadequate calcium intake can result in fragile parrot skeletons, rendering them more susceptible to conditions like osteoporosis. Furthermore, hypocalcemia can adversely affect various systems within a parrot’s body, including the neurological, muscular, and reproductive systems.

Ensuring a sufficient calcium intake is crucial for parrots. You can achieve this by providing natural sources of calcium, such as kiwi, or by considering calcium supplements. Kiwis, in particular, can serve as a delectable and calcium-rich addition to their diet, reducing the need for supplements.

It’s worth noting that parrots also require exposure to the sun’s UV rays to synthesize vitamin D3, which is essential for calcium absorption. Therefore, a balanced diet that incorporates calcium-rich foods like kiwi, along with proper exposure to sunlight, contributes to the overall health and well-being of parrots. 

3. Antioxidant 

Kiwi fruit itself is a rich source of antioxidants. The fruit contains an impressive amount of antioxidants, and these antioxidants play a vital role in supporting your parrot’s overall health.

Antioxidants are essential nutrients that help neutralize free radicals in the body. Free radicals are unstable chemicals that, if left unchecked, can cause cellular damage, accelerate age-related changes, and contribute to various diseases. By consuming kiwi fruit, your parrot benefits from these antioxidants in several ways.

Some of the antioxidants in kiwi include:

  • Vitamin E: 

Kiwi fruit is rich in vitamin E. This essential nutrient plays a crucial role in enhancing the immune system and defending the body against infections. 

Additionally, vitamin E acts as a potent antioxidant, effectively combating oxidative stress and ensuring that immune cells can function optimally to safeguard your bird’s overall health.

  • Vitamin C: 

Another immune-boosting component in kiwi is vitamin C. The quantity of vitamin C in kiwi varies depending on the variety you choose. For instance, green kiwis typically contain between 85 to 150 mg of vitamin C, while gold kiwis provide around 161 mg. 

Regardless of the variety, consuming kiwi fruit itself enhances vitamin C intake, reinforcing its role as a natural immunity booster.

Vitamin C is known for strengthening the immune system to help combat diseases. It serves as an antioxidant, assisting in the prevention of harm to immune cells and promoting the growth of white blood cells, which are crucial for fighting infections.

  • Polyphenols: 

Kiwi fruit contains polyphenols, which possess strong anti-inflammatory properties that can benefit your parrot. While a significant portion of polyphenols is found in the flesh, a significant amount is contained in the fruit itself.

Are There Any Dangers Of Feeding Parrots Kiwi? 

The primary concern parrot owners have regarding the kiwi fruit itself is its higher sugar content compared to many other fruits. This elevated sugar level can potentially lead to digestive discomfort, resulting in issues like gassiness, bloating, stomach discomfort, and diarrhea.

Due to the sugar content, it’s advisable to offer kiwis to your parrot in moderation. To prevent adverse reactions, it’s best to introduce kiwi gradually and in small quantities, following a similar approach as you would with any new food.

Another thing that causes concern is the seeds of kiwi. While these seeds are edible and relatively small, they could present a choking hazard. Before feeding kiwis to your parrot, exercise caution by removing the tiny seeds to ensure the safety of your feathered friend.

How To Feed Parrots Kiwi 

Just as humans can eat kiwis in several ways the same applies to parrots. The first thing to do when feeding parrots kiwi is to ensure the fruit is properly washed, especially if you plan to feed it along with the skin. This is to get rid of any pesticides, dirt, or insects that could be on the fruit. 

Parrots can eat the entire kiwi if it is organic so you can simply cut the kiwi in half, then scoop out the center of the fruit. You could also slice the kiwi into smaller pieces, you don’t have to peel it first but it depends on preference. 

Kiwi is quite filling so it is a good idea to include it in a chop made out of a variety of foods, to ensure your bird gets a balanced diet. You can also give your bird kiwi juice. This can be accomplished by mashing the kiwi fruit and then straining the juice to remove any solid particles. 

However, remember that even in juice form, the sugar content of kiwi remains a consideration. Therefore, it’s wise to provide kiwi juice in moderation to prevent any potential digestive issues or excessive sugar intake for your parrot. 

How Much Kiwi Can I Feed My Parrot? 

A parrot’s diet should be made up of roughly 50% fruits and vegetables. This suggests that fruits should make up 25% of a parrot’s diet.

When it comes to feeding your parrot kiwi, you have to do so in moderation. If you are feeding your parrot an entire kiwi, it’s advisable to do so on a more infrequent basis, such as once every other week.

However, if you choose to offer your parrot a few slices of kiwi, you can do so more regularly, typically two to three times a week.

Kiwi can be quite filling, and overindulging in it might lead to a loss of interest in other essential foods. Therefore, it’s crucial to provide your parrot with only a small amount of kiwi to ensure a balanced and varied diet that meets its nutritional needs.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Can African Grey Parrots Eat Kiwi Fruit?

Yes, African greys can eat kiwi fruit without any issue. It offers nutritional fiber and vital vitamins, including vitamin C. However, because it contains sugar, it should be consumed in moderation just like any other fruit.

2. Can Parrots Eat Kiwi Leaves?

Parrots can eat kiwi fruit, including the flesh and seeds, as it’s generally safe and nutritious for them. Kiwi leaves, on the other hand, are a different story. Kiwi leaves are not part of a parrot’s natural diet so you’re better off sticking to feeding your bird the kiwi fruit. 


In conclusion, while kiwi is a great source of nutrients for your parrot you should exercise caution to avoid harming your bird. Consuming large amounts of kiwi can cause obesity and other health issues in parrots so it is best to only feed your parrot this fruit in moderation. 

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