Can Parrots Eat Hibiscus Flowers?

Parrots can eat hibiscus flowers with most parrots loving meals more when it is an added ingredient. Hibiscus flower isn’t typically found in parrot feed but can be added at your discretion, much to your Parrot’s delight.

Read on to find out everything you need to know about feeding your parrot’s Hibiscus flower. 

Nutritional Benefits Of Hibiscus Flowers

Hibiscus flower is highly nutritious to parrots, providing a wide range of benefits, especially relating to health. Here are some of the top benefits your parrot can get from eating hibiscus flowers. 

Vitamin C

Vitamin C offers numerous benefits including boosting the immune system. A healthy dose of vitamin C helps improve whole-body health, which is what parrots get with Hibiscus flower.

It has also been known to help lower blood pressure, though your parrot may not have to worry about this. 


Antioxidants play a key role in preventing several diseases including heart disease and cancer.

By protecting your parrot from free radicals, antioxidants help keep them healthy and save you expenses associated with treating certain ailments. Antioxidants also help with anti-aging and contribute to your parrot’s overall health.


Pottasium has numeral functions in a parrot but two of them stand out. Firstly, it is responsible for normalizing fluid levels within cells, and secondly, it regulates blood pressure.

While potassium is found in several foods or fruits, your parrot can still use a little more, which it will get from eating hibiscus flowers. 


Magnesium is classified as an essential nutrient but is sometimes overlooked in store-bought foods. Hibiscus flower is rich in magnesium and it helps to promote whole-body health in parrots.

In its absence, your parrot is vulnerable and can contract heart disease, diabetes, and several other ailments. A little hibiscus flower is enough to provide your parrot with enough magnesium or supplement what it’s already gotten.

Vitamin B

Vitamin B is a multifunctional compound that is essential to the well-being and function of the body. Hibiscus leave contains a healthy concentration of this compound and ensures your parrot is in ideal condition.

With functions in transporting minerals, breaking down carbohydrates, cell health, and boosting energy levels, your parrot can’t do without Vitamin B.  


Calcium is mostly known for its function in developing strong bones and teeth, but that isn’t all it does for a parrot. In hibiscus flowers, calcium also helps improve the heart, muscles, and nerve functions. While unconfirmed, some studies also indicate that it may play a key role in preventing cancer and some other diseases. 


Carbohydrates are the fuel for the body, and the same goes for parrots. While there is typically carbohydrate in parrot food, hibiscus fower provides a little extra to help boost their energy levels.

A little-known fact is that some carbohydrates like fiber are also instrumental in easing digestion for parrots, and preventing discomfort. 

Feeding Your Parrot Hibiscus Flower

Parrots love hibiscus flowers and often prefer them to their regular meals. There are three different ways to feed your parrot hibiscus flower and each of them offers different advantages.

You can feed your parrot hibiscus via whichever method proves most effective and have them enjoy all its benefits.

Method 1: Direct Feeding

Feeding your parrot the flower directly is the most popular method. Many bird owners opt for this option and some parrots can’t get enough. You can feed your parrot hibiscus fower by following a few simple steps:

  1. Get Hibiscus Flower

Whether you’re buying or harvesting it yourself, it makes no difference. Select a fresh one as parrots often prefer hibiscus flowers fresh.

If there are no fresh options, you can go with whatever is available, provided it isn’t stale. The fresher the flower, the richer it is in terms of nutrients, and the better for your parrot.

  1. Wash Thoroughly

Once you have selected the hibiscus flower to feed your parrot, the next step is to wash it. Unwashed hibiscus flowers may contain pathogens or residual insect materials that may harm the parrot. A simple wash will help rid the flower of any unwanted materials and it will be ready to eat. 

  1. Feed The Parrot

Place the flower into your parrot’s dish and they should start to eat it right away. You can give them the flower whole, or cut it up into smaller pieces to make eating it easier.

Most parrots can an entire flower at a go, while it takes others a few tries. If your parrot isn’t a big eater, cutting up the flower may be the ideal choice. 

Method 2: Food Additive

Another popular method is adding hibiscus flowers to your parrot’s food as opposed to feeding them directly. This method is more popular because owners can feed parrots hibiscus flowers more often this way. If you’re going to opt for this method, you can use smaller quantities of hibiscus, and freshness isn’t too much of a problem. 

After selecting and washing the hibiscus, you need to crush it up into small pieces or shred it if possible. When it is in this ground state, you can sprinkle it on your homemade parrot mix, or a store-bought one. Your parrot will still get all the benefits of hibiscus flowers, and you can regulate how much they consume. 

Method 3: Hibiscus Tea

Hibiscus tea is typically reserved for humans, but some parrot owners still feed it to their pets, to great effect. A little hibiscus tea once in a while can help improve your parrot’s overall health without directly ingesting the flower. Parrots can’t drink hot tea, so you’ll need to serve them when it’s cold. 

After selecting and washing your hibiscus flower, soak it in hot water. Shredded or whole flowers will work, then allow the flower to soak for a few minutes. Extract the flower from the tea using a sieve to ensure no particles are stuck in it. Serve your parrot hibiscus tea and they get the benefits of the flower. 

How Often Should I Feed My Parrot Hibiscus Flower?

You should only feed your parrot hibiscus flower two or three times a week. Hibiscus flower is more of a treat than a main dish and doesn’t contain nearly enough nutrients to serve a parrot consistently.

You can use it as a treat for your parrot or as an added spice to make mealtime more exciting. It should always be less than what you serve your parrot for its main meal. 

As most parrots love the taste of hibiscus flowers, you may want to keep it out of sight. If they had their way, a parrot could eat hibiscus flowers for every meal.

While it is rich, it isn’t balanced enough and could cause health problems in the long run, if fed consistently. Too much Hibiscus flower can also be a problem as it causes your parrot to be obese. 

To ensure you get the best of the benefits of hibiscus flower, serve it as a snack, or use it to garnish the parrot’s main meal. If you find that your parrot is becoming too familiar with hibiscus flowers, reduce the intake. 

Dangers Of Feeding Your Parrot Hibiscus Flower

Hibiscus flower affords parrots several benefits, but there are a few negatives you should be aware of. 

Nutritional Imbalance

Hibiscus flower contains several helpful compounds and nutrients, but not enough to qualify as a balanced diet. If fed to a parrot consistently health problems are among the likely results. The maximum number of times you should feed your parrot this flower in a week is three. 

Another way to limit a parrot’s hibiscus flower intake is to use the flower as an ingredient, instead of a meal.


Obesity is a problem common to most animals and parrots are no exception. After consuming too much hibiscus flower, your parrot may have to worry about obesity.

Hibiscus flower is rich in fats and proteins, and when these elements are excessive in the body, it causes obesity. Obesity also brings the risk of heart attack and several other heart problems, seriously diminishing your parrot’s quality of life. 


Some parrots may be allergic to hibiscus flowers, or one of the components may be an allergen for them. In such cases, the parrot could have a severe reaction or a fatal one, which no owner likes to see. Ensure your parrot’s allergy status before opting for hibiscus flowers. If necessary, keep your vet’s number on hand, just in case there’s a reaction. 

What Kind Of Flowers Do Parrots Like?

Parrots generally love eating flowers, and will often prefer them to regular meals. While there are many flowers that parrots will eat, not all of them are ideal. Here are some of the top flowers you can safely feed to a parrot.


Sunflowers are one of the most popular flowers in the world, and they happen to be one of the safest flower options for parrots. Like most other flowers, you can expect several health benefits from sunflowers including easier digestion, and a more balanced blood sugar level.

With several vitamins and omega-6 fatty acids, your parrot will be getting essential nutrients.

Sunflowers are a unique case as parrots can safely eat the flower petals and seeds. As these flowers are readily available you can introduce them into your parrot’s diet in small quantities or as a snack. Less is more in this scenario as too much sunflower can cause obesity due to the high fat content.


If you have a parrot in emotional distress, feeding them some chamomile might be the answer. Just as it has a calming effect on humans, it does the same for parrots. If your parrot is anxious or hormonal, it can also help them calm down. Whether it’s Chamomile tea or feeding them the flower directly should induce the same effect. 

Unlike with other flowers, you probably need veterinary advice before feeding your parrot chamomile. With antibacterial and antioxidant properties, chamomile can also help improve other meals and digestion for your parrot. Ensure you use chamomile in moderation as too much of it can have negative effects. 


Calendula is another popular flower that parrots love to eat, and it also affords them several benefits. It also serves as a toy that parrots love to play around with. Rich in vitamin A and other minerals, this flower is mostly chosen for its effect on the immune system. 


Parrots can eat hibiscus flowers, and several others like it. Their love for this flower can even lead them to subsist solely on it if given the chance.

Owners should be careful when feeding parrots this flower, despite its numerous benefits. Too much hibiscus flower can cause problems for a parrot, especially when they eat it daily. 


Are Flowers Toxic To Parrots?

No, not all flowers are toxic to parrots. Much like with several other foods, there are some flowers toxic to parrots. Some flowers are completely edible and even offer numerous health benefits to the parrot. 

Can All Parrots Eat Hibiscus Flower?

Most parrots can eat Hibiscus flower and they usually seem to love it. Whether down to preferences, allergies or the parrot is unfamiliar with it, some of them may not eat hibiscus flower.

Without any prior hangups, a random parrot regardless of its species will love hibiscus flowers either as a stand-alone meal or when added to others. 

Can Hibiscus Flower Serve As A Parrot’s Main Meal?

No, you should never feed your parrot hibiscus flower as its main meal. Despite its numerous health benefits, there are possible negatives associated with hibiscus flowers, especially when served frequently.

You can use it as a snack, a garnish, or as an ingredient when preparing your parrot’s meal.

What Happens If My Parrot Is Allergic To Hibiscus Flower?

The first thing you need to do is contact your vet. Your vet can direct you on the proper course of action, or if the consultation is in person, administer emergency procedures. Afterward, avoid hibiscus flowers in any capacity to ensure your parrot stays healthy

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