Can parrots eat biscuits? 

Parrots should not be fed biscuits or cookies regularly. Biscuits and cookies are typically high in sugar, unhealthy fats, and processed ingredients that can be harmful to parrots if consumed in excess.

A diet high in sugary and fatty foods can lead to obesity, diabetes, and other health problems in parrots. 

So can parrots eat biscuits? Yes, occasionally offering a very small piece of a plain, unsweetened, and unbuttered biscuit as an occasional treat is generally safe.

However, it’s important to emphasize that these should be rare treats and not a regular part of a parrot’s diet. Read on to find other things you should know:

When should parrots eat biscuits?

Parrots should consume biscuits as an occasional treat and not as a regular part of their diet. Biscuits should be reserved for special occasions or used as a reward during training sessions. 

Which biscuit is good for parrots?

Parrots can eat plain, unsweetened, and unbuttered biscuits occasionally as a treat. These biscuits should be free from added flavors, seasonings, or sugar. Always provide them sparingly and in very small amounts.

Can parrots eat crackers?

Yes, parrots can eat plain, unsalted crackers occasionally as a treat. However, make sure they are plain and free from added flavors or seasonings. Offer crackers sparingly and in small amounts, as they should not be a regular part of a parrot’s diet.

Other examples of biscuits parrots can eat

Parrots can occasionally enjoy a variety of plain, unsweetened, and unsalted biscuits or crackers as treats. Here are some examples:

  1. Plain Whole Wheat Crackers

These crackers are made from whole wheat flour and contain no added flavors, sugars, or salt. 

  1. Unflavored Rice Cakes

Rice cakes are low in calories and often made from just rice and water, providing a light and crunchy treat. 

  1. Plain Oatcakes or Oat Crackers

Oatcakes are typically made from oats and water, offering a heartier texture and a mild oat flavor. 

Unsalted Saltine Crackers

While saltines typically contain salt, you can find unsalted versions that are plain and suitable for parrots. 

  1. Plain Graham Crackers (no added sugar)

Look for graham crackers without added sugar or flavorings. These crackers have a mild sweetness from the honey or molasses used in their preparation. 

  1. Unflavored Melba Toast

Melba toast is a thin, dry, and crisp bread that can be broken into smaller pieces for parrots

  1. Unsalted Pita Bread (break into small pieces)

Pita bread, when unsalted, can be broken into small, manageable pieces for parrots to enjoy. 

  1. Unsalted Wheat Thins

These thin, square crackers are often available in an unsalted version and can be a crunchy treat. 

  1. Unsweetened Rice Krispies Treats

Plain Rice Krispies cereal can be used to make unsweetened treats for parrots, but these should be given sparingly due to their potential stickiness. 

  1. Unsalted Ryvita Crispbread

Ryvita is a type of crispbread made from whole-grain rye flour. Unsalted versions are available.


  1. Plain Rye Crispbread

These crispbreads are made from rye flour and water, providing a slightly different taste and texture than wheat-based crackers. 

  1. Unflavored Popcorn (without butter or salt)

Air-popped popcorn without butter or salt can be a light and airy treat. 

  1. Unsalted Mini Pretzels

Mini pretzels without added salt are a crunchy snack option for parrots. 

  1. Plain Tortilla Chips (break into small pieces)

Unsalted tortilla chips can be broken into smaller pieces for parrots, but they should be served in moderation. 

  1. Unsalted Baked Potato Chips (in moderation)

While baked potato chips may be lower in fat than fried chips, they should still be offered sparingly due to their calorie content. 

  1. Unsalted Multigrain Crackers

These crackers typically contain a blend of grains and seeds, providing a more complex flavor. 

  1. Unsalted Wasa Crispbread

Wasa is a brand of crispbread that offers an unsalted version with a crisp texture. 

  1. Unsalted Ritz Crackers (sparingly)

Ritz crackers without salt can be given to parrots occasionally, but they are relatively high in fat. 

  1. Unsalted Triscuit Crackers

Triscuit crackers without added salt are a whole-grain option for parrot treats.

What biscuits should parrots not eat?

Parrots should avoid biscuits that contain certain ingredients or additives that can be harmful to their health. Here are some types of biscuits that parrots should not eat: 

  1. Sugar-Laden Biscuits

Biscuits with high sugar content can lead to obesity, diabetes, and other health issues in parrots. Avoid biscuits that are sweetened with sugars, syrups, or artificial sweeteners. 

  1. Salted Biscuits

Biscuits with excessive salt (sodium) content can lead to sodium toxicity in parrots, causing kidney and heart problems. Avoid biscuits that are salted or contain added salt. 

  1. Biscuits with Artificial Flavors and Colors

Artificial additives and flavors in biscuits can be harmful to parrots. These can lead to digestive problems and allergies. Opt for plain biscuits without artificial additives. 

  1. Biscuits with Trans Fats

Biscuits that contain trans fats or hydrogenated oils are unhealthy for parrots. These fats can contribute to obesity and heart issues. Check the ingredient list for hydrogenated oils. 

  1. Spicy Biscuits

Biscuits with strong spices or hot peppers should be avoided. Parrots have sensitive digestive systems, and spicy foods can lead to gastrointestinal upset. 

  1. Biscuits with Nuts

Some biscuits may contain nuts like almonds or peanuts, which can be a choking hazard for parrots. Parrots should be offered nuts separately and in controlled amounts. 

  1. Biscuits with Xylitol

Xylitol is an artificial sweetener that is toxic to parrots and other pets. Ensure that biscuits do not contain xylitol or any other harmful sugar substitutes.

What are the health benefits of biscuits to crackers?

Biscuits and crackers, in general, are not considered highly nutritious foods for parrots. They are typically low in essential nutrients and can be high in empty calories, sugar, or unhealthy fats. Here’s a breakdown of their nutritional components and the potential limited benefits: 

  1. Carbohydrates

Biscuits and crackers are primarily composed of carbohydrates. While carbohydrates provide energy, parrots typically obtain sufficient energy from their regular diet, making the additional energy from biscuits less necessary. 

  1. Fiber

These snacks generally lack significant dietary fiber, which is important for digestion and gut health. Parrots can obtain fiber from fresh fruits and vegetables in their diet. 

  1. Protein

Biscuits and crackers contain minimal protein, which is essential for muscle development and overall health. Parrots require higher-quality protein sources like legumes, seeds, and pellets. 

  1. Fat

Even unsalted versions may contain unhealthy fats or excess calories. Parrots should receive healthy fats in moderation, mainly from sources like nuts and seeds. 

  1. Vitamins and Minerals

Biscuits and crackers typically lack essential vitamins and minerals required for parrot health, such as vitamins A, D, and calcium. These nutrients are better sourced from fresh produce and specially formulated bird pellets. 

  1. Sugar

Many commercial biscuits contain added sugars, which can be detrimental to parrot health. Unsweetened versions are preferable. 

  1. Sodium

Even unsalted crackers may contain some sodium. Excess sodium can lead to health issues in parrots, so it’s best to offer low-sodium or unsalted options.

Can parrots get sick from eating biscuits?

Parrots can potentially get sick from eating biscuits, especially if the biscuits contain harmful ingredients or if they are consumed in excessive amounts.

How to feed biscuits to your parrots

If you choose to offer biscuits to your parrots as an occasional treat, it’s essential to do so safely and in moderation. Here’s how to feed biscuits to your parrots: 

  1. Choose the Right Biscuits

Opt for plain, unsweetened, and unsalted biscuits or crackers. Avoid varieties that contain added sugars, artificial flavors, unhealthy fats, or excessive sodium. 

  1. Break into Small Pieces

Before offering a biscuit to your parrot, break it into small, manageable pieces. This makes it easier for your parrot to handle and reduces the risk of choking. 

  1. Monitor Portion Size

Limit the amount of biscuit you offer to your parrot. Biscuits should only be a small part of their diet and should not replace essential nutritious foods. 

  1. Supervise Consumption

While your parrot is enjoying a biscuit, closely supervise their eating to ensure they are not having difficulty swallowing or experiencing any digestive issues. 

  1. Offer Fresh Water

Always provide your parrot with access to fresh, clean water, especially when offering dry biscuits, to help with digestion. 

  1. Variety is Key

Biscuits should be just one of many occasional treats in your parrot’s diet. Ensure that the majority of their diet consists of fresh fruits, vegetables, high-quality bird pellets, and other nutritionally rich foods. 

  1. Consult an Avian Veterinarian

If you are unsure about the safety or suitability of a specific type of biscuit for your parrot, consult with an avian veterinarian or avian nutritionist for guidance.

Are there risk factors to feeding biscuits to your parrots?

Here are some reasons why biscuits may pose a health risk to parrots: 

  1. Unhealthy Ingredients

Many commercial biscuits and crackers contain unhealthy ingredients such as added sugars, unhealthy fats, artificial flavors, and preservatives. These ingredients can be harmful to parrots if ingested regularly. 

  1. Empty Calories

Biscuits are often calorie-dense but lacking in essential nutrients. If parrots consume too many biscuits, they may fill up on empty calories and not get the nutrition they need from their regular diet. 

  1. Digestive Issues

Biscuits can be dry and crumbly, which may pose a choking hazard or cause digestive discomfort if not properly chewed and swallowed. 

  1. Sodium Content

Even unsalted biscuits may contain some sodium, and excess sodium can lead to health problems in parrots

  1. Sugar Content

Biscuits with added sugars can lead to obesity, diabetes, and other health issues in parrots if consumed regularly.

  1. Potential Allergens

Some biscuits may contain ingredients that parrots are sensitive or allergic to, leading to adverse reactions.

To minimize these risk factors: 

  • Offer biscuits and crackers as an occasional treat and in small amounts. 
  • Choose plain, unsweetened, and unsalted varieties. 
  • Prioritize a balanced diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, high-quality bird pellets, and other parrot-friendly foods to ensure your parrot’s nutritional needs are met.

Can parrots eat homemade biscuits?

Yes, homemade biscuits for parrots can be a better option compared to store-bought biscuits, as you have control over the ingredients. 


In conclusion, while biscuits can be a tasty and occasionally enjoyable treat for your parrot, they should be offered with caution and in moderation.

The key to keeping your parrot healthy and happy lies in providing a well-balanced diet that includes fresh fruits, vegetables, high-quality bird pellets, and other parrot-friendly foods rich in essential nutrients.

Biscuits, especially those with unhealthy additives, should be viewed as an occasional indulgence rather than a dietary staple.

Frequently asked questions:

Can parrots eat whole-grain biscuits?

Yes, whole-grain biscuits can be a better choice compared to regular biscuits, as they may offer more fiber and nutrients. However, they should still be given in moderation. 

What’s the recommended frequency for offering biscuits to parrots?

Biscuits should be given as an occasional treat, not a daily snack. Limit them to special occasions or as a reward during training sessions. 

Are there specific biscuit brands that are safe for parrots?

While there are no specific biscuit brands designed for parrots, you should focus on plain, unsweetened, and unsalted biscuits from reputable brands without harmful additives. 

Can I make homemade biscuits for my parrot?

Homemade biscuits can be a better option since you can control the ingredients. Make sure they contain safe, bird-friendly components and no harmful additives. 

Are there any signs that my parrot is not tolerating biscuits well?

Watch for signs of digestive discomfort, such as regurgitation, diarrhea, or changes in droppings. If you notice any adverse effects, discontinue biscuit treats and consult an avian veterinarian.

Can I add any fruits or vegetables to homemade biscuits for my parrot? 

While you can include small amounts of finely chopped fruits or vegetables in homemade biscuits, it’s important to ensure that these additions are safe and parrot-friendly. Avoid adding any ingredients that are high in sugar, salt, or artificial additives. Consult with an avian nutritionist for suitable fruit or vegetable choices.

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